
Hello, my name is Sally Gillespie and I’m a sign language interpreter and researcher. I completed my PhD in Translation at Queen’s University Belfast in 2017 and am registered as an RSLI BSL/English interpreter with NRCPD. In addition to English and BSL, I have ISL as an additional language.

On this website you’ll find more information about me, about engaging the services of interpreters and about my work.

Whether you’re interested in, research or practice, it would be great to hear from you. If you want to get in touch, you’ll find contact information here.

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About Sally

Sally Gillespie Sally is a BSL/English interpreter and a first year PhD translation student. Through her research, she is exploring the demographics of the deaf signing population in Northern Ireland and the resources and opportunities available to this linguistic minority.

While studying, Sally accepts a few hours of interpreting work each week with a variety of well established and new clients. read more
