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Hire an interpreter

NUBSLI (National Union of British Sign Language Interpreters) has published a really thorough guide on interpreters. Click here to have a look.

The best way to get all the information you need to know if you want to make a booking, is to read the terms and conditions. The main points however, are listed below. If you would like to make a booking, please contact Sally to check availability.

As a registered communication professional with NRCPD, Sally endeavours to behave professionally while managing and fulfilling bookings, as outlined in the NRCPD code of conduct.

The minimum fee for any interpreting assignment is £80 for up to 2 hours.
Beyond 2 hours, the fee is £40/hour.

Travel time is not charged, however travel expenses may be.
The cheapest possible travel option will be taken, which often can be free.
When driving, travel expenses are calculated at £0.45/mile.

If cancelling an agreed booking, a cancellation fee may be charged if less than 10-working days notice is given.

If ever unhappy with the level of service provided at any stage of a booking, complaints can be made directly to Sally Gillespie, or to the registering body, NRCPD.

Feedback is always welcome from clients and service purchasers, and can be sent via the contact information listed.

Full terms and conditions can be found here.